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OpenVPN Service:


DO NOT try to use another websites!

Service Rules
Important information:

  • VIP72 is centralized resourse, giving access to the proxy servers around the world.
  • The administration does not bear the responsibility for illegal actions of users of the resources from VIP72.com accomplished with use.
  • The user is soley responsible for his/her actions on our services, VIP72 has no liability or guarantees regarding what you expect to earn using VIP72's services
  • Our services guarantees uninterrupted granting of services 24 hours a day, if it is not connected with a force majeur circumstance
  • When you are registered and use information from this web-page, You confirm, that you are acquainted and agree with rules of our services

  • *to share your account with others peoples;
  • *to use account together with automatic interfaces of data gathering;
  • *mass sample of socks (collecting lists of proxies) for all purposes!;
  • *take of socks for resale;
  • *use socks for spam, flood, ppc, brute, atutoreg, autoparsing etc... in any form;
  • *use VPN for spam, flood, ppc, brute, atutoreg, autoparsing etc.. in any form;

  • If you not sure about restrictions you should use unlimited access only for personal use (e.g. use one proxy and use another only when first one has died) or only use the premium zone
  • No refunds!
  • If you don't understand these rules, you must leave this web site immediately!!!

    If a user violates the term of service, he will be charged $0.2 for each used proxy


    Bonus program:
    The program includes all plans plans except for DEMO / TEST
    Current bonus - 10% of the base cost of the plan with WebMoney payments only
    Bonuses can be used only if customer have 3 or more active referrals
    It is forbidden to fraudulently use the referral system!
    Bonus program IS NOT a self-discount programm
    Bonuses of violators will be reset to zero!


    Payments and plans:

  • All payments processing automatically
  • To buy the package of services you want, you should:
    1. Open payment page /?page=pers&
    2. click 'BUY NOW' near needed plan, follow to payment process

  • All payments are irreversible. Even those which made by 'mistake'. You have right to have access to proxy for your overpaid amount.
  • Remember that you buy access on the certain quantity of days.
  • After expiration date access will be impossible, even if you have remained not used socks.
  • If your usage limit is over, access will be closed even if you have remain days of subscription.
  • On plans with fixed limits you will be able to use rest of your socks if You in time prolong the account.
  • It means, that your following payment will be made not later than seven days after expiration date of last subscription.
  • Transition from unlimited to the limit plan is possible under condition of recalculation of already used proxies.
  • Access to 'Premium Zone' provided 'as is'. Limits in 'Premium Zone' may differ from the primary limits on account. Current daily usage limit 111 IP (but no more than total usage limit on account)
  • As 'unlimited' plan means plan with non-fixed limits, which are calculated dynamically from activity, ways of account usage and other factors is meant. All restrictions is written on top of this page. In any case we offer a choice - use plan with non-fixed limits and strongly follow all restrictions or use plan with fixed limits.

    Use of service:
  • Entering the service - /access/index.php

  • If you have problems or difficulties in usage, you should contact with support by ICQ / Jabber or in tickets.
  • At dialogue through IM be ready to provide your login and password.
  • Messages like ('Hi', 'hallo', 'превед', 'есть кто?', 'тут?' etc...) without a question WILL BE IGNORED!

    Administration of VIP72.com thanks you that you chose our service and wish you luck in your work.

  • VIP Technologies © protect you since 2006